Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Back in the Motherland

       It's been 4 days since I've been back in Beirut.  Trying to get internet here is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.  Once you DO get internet, have fun trying to find a decent connection.  I have to place the computer in a specific spot to get full bars (just like I did in Saudi, on the edge of my bed rotated at a 20 degree angle to the door lol).  Oh well, c'est la vie.  Its good to be back here!  The weather is definitely cooler than in August.  Beirut wasn't humid at all, there was a beautiful summer breeze.  I'm currently in the South of Lebanon, and I have to say the scenery here is beyond words. 

Yesterday afternoon we took a trip down the valley to a cute little cafe near the river.  They serve coffee and freshly pressed juices and ofcourse the customary sheesha!  I ordered a "laymoonada" which is arabic for lemonade.  I ended up with a fresh orange juice, but it was so good I couldn't complain that it wasn't actually lemonade.  I don't know how they do it here, but the fresh orange juice tastes spectacular, no matter if they're not in season.  I suppose its always the little places that hold the largest gems.  
        Again, I was surprised at how much I had missed small places like this.  Its a completely different world!  No one speaks English in the South, just Arabic and French if you're lucky.  The subject of conversation is always about politics, family gossip or what someone nearby is wearing/doing/saying.  Life is simple here.  You wake up, go to work, come home, eat and go to sleep.  The older generation have no idea what the hell internet is and what the outside world holds.  Just yesterday my grandmother's cousin was talking about how the younger generation go out "almost naked" and smoke sheesha all day, young girls smoking cigarettes as young as 13.  All I could think was, "That's it?" Come to North America and people actually ARE naked, and some 13 year olds are losing their virginity, doing drugs.  Like I said life here is simple as it gets. 
       I've been trying to start my plans for the trip I want to take around the country.  Since I'm in the South I can visit Tyr which is about 40 minutes away from where I am. I'm just waiting for the weather to get a little cooler.  It's still a little hot during the day.  As I visit places I'll post my thoughts and pictures here.  If I happen to find places I didn't originally have on my list, I'll add them to my map!  On the flight over there was an article about all the fun things to do in Lebanon, such as paragliding, RVing, having dinner in a glass restaurant 50 meters above ground. It truly is great here!
Happy Tuesday! 

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