Sunday, June 28, 2009

Post Secret Day!

Today is Post Secret Sunday. The first thing I do on Sunday's is check the Post Secret blog. I don't know why but there is something comforting in knowing people have the same secrets as I do. Some just give you that sense of hope or encouragement you need when you're not feeling 100 %. My favourite two from today's post were these:

I love this one because in some way I hope its about me. One can hope! I also love it because the picture itself reminds me of one of my favourite streets in Spain.

I also like this one because sometimes I feel exactly the same.

I'm working on my own Post Secret this weekend. I'll be sending it in by next week. I might send in more than one. Just writing it down felt good, so I know when I mail it, I'll be free of it. I wonder what it is about reading other peoples secrets that brings us such satisfaction. I know there is that feeling of not being alone in the world. The project itself proves that we are all linked in some way or other. There is always this fascination with knowing what other people are truly thinking or feeling. I know I'm guilty of it. I once read through my friends journal. I felt bad for doing it but after I was done, I understood her so much better. In fact we both felt the same exact way, but she was just scared to talk to people. Reading her secrets just reaffirmed the fact that we all truly feel the same in some way. It strikes me as strange how people interact sometimes. Shouldn't we all be able to trust our friends. What is it that keeps us from confiding fully to them. I just find it funny that confiding to a post card or a blog or journal is more satisfying than confiding in a fellow human being. I assume is the fear of being judged and rejected that prevents us all from being honest about feelings. What is it about the notion of trust that dictates who and what we confide in people. It should be fairly simple to tell a friend or family member something, yet doubts always creep up about whether they will tell someone else. But should it matter if they do tell others? You're still the same person whether other people know about it or not. I know how hard it is to confide your deepest darkest secrets. Wouldn't be a relief though to rid yourself of that burden. Why do people keep things cooped up for so long. I feel like sometimes people lose a chance to change their lives or do something good because they are too scared to take a chance (My self included). From here on out, I'm going to try and be more open to my friends and family, and hope that they will too in return. Things would be so much clearer if everyone did.

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