I know its not Sunday, but I haven't done a Sunday secret post in a while and I figured there's a few days before the next batch are posted. I'm thinking it should be a weekly thing now. I love the whole idea of Post Secret. If you haven't come across it yet, you should check out the Post Secret website. Its updated every Sunday.
I think the reason it appeals to me so much is because of the idea of being able to rid yourself of something that no one else knows about. It has to be somewhat liberating to share a secret, however funny or serious it is, with someone you will never meet in your life. I've always wanted to send one in., maybe one day soon. The secrets I picked this week are all quite different in their subject.
I love the first one because I've made this promise to myself before, in a similar place. Yet, its such a hard promise to keep. Try as you may, there are so many moments wasted in your life, just waiting. I always find similarities between myself and the secrets sent in. In the end I think we are all the same in what we experience and what we ultimately want from the world.
I LOVE this one because its so funny. Stephen Colbert is hilarious, and its even more hilarious that someone is thinking about the nasty things they want to do to him. That's the last thing I want to think about when watching Colbert Report. Also, I love the sketch of Colbert, its spot on!
This secret annoyed me. It made me want to scream " NOT ALL MIDDLE EASTERNERS ARE TERRORISTS!" I've wanted to scream that more than once in my life., unfortunately. I wish Americans would understand that the Middle East isn't just one single entity. Jordan and Lebanon are completely different, Iran and Iraq are two opposite sides of the spectrum. Afghanistan and the Taliban have nothing to do with Arabs (they actually speak Farsi and Pashtu). A Middle Easterner isn't necessarily Muslim, and vice versa. There are Christian Middle Easterners. There are American Muslims. Yet in the end they are inevitably tied together, and these small distinctions don't matter. A Muslim is synonymous with a man strapped with explosives, Islam is so closely related to terrorism today, its created so much hate for a religion that preaches peace, love and acceptance. If people stopped and peeled back that layer of propaganda painted so perfectly for them, they would realize the Middle East is rich with knowledge, culture, beautiful sites and most importantly, very hospitable people. Its a shame a few bad seeds ruined the whole crop.
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