Friday, September 10, 2010

I'm baaack!

Hello Helloooo,

I'm back from a long hiatus from the blogging world. I must say my fingers missed typing out long, random, pointless posts everyday! My fingers and I are back, and we have MUCH to discuss. Firstly, I have to say that I'm currently in a country that really sucks at the moment. In addition to a serious lack in the social life, the humidity here is like can't breathe when you walk out the door. Take a sauna, and multiply it by 1000. I can't wait to get back to Toronto! I hear its nice and chilly there!

The second thing is I have finally graduated from university with a degree in Architecture! Four years since the whole roller coaster ride started and I have to say I miss every single miserable day I experienced in the past four years. When they say your university years are the best in your life, they really mean it. Sadly no one ever listens and before you know it, the years fly by and BAM! The real world hits you. It's not a pleasant wake up call, I have to say. It's a rude awakening. Thus the search for your life long "ball and chain" (i.e. job/career) begin.

Enough of that boring stuff though. I was looking through old pictures of New York, since I want to visit in the near future, and cam across some amazing shots of old NY. Eugene de Salignac was pretty well known for his famous shots of the city. This is one of my favourites

Brooklyn Bridge, showing painters on suspenders, October 7, 1914
From New York Rises: Photographs by Eugene de Salignac
Its truly amazing.

In complete contrast, there is another blog I would like to share with you. It always gives me a good laugh anytime, any day. Fake Science is a site whose tag line is "For when the facts are too confusing." I must say, its more interesting than the real thing. If you're ever down or ever need a bit of a giggle, or just want some simple FAKE SCIENCE, check out the site. Here is today's gem! (Why did the T-Rex have such short arms)

Also, check out their quiz to discover what kind of scientist you would be! My inner geek shows itself...

Happy Friday!